Teething is one of the many challenges of a growing baby. My poor little babies both had difficulty teething. We were able to use similar soothing techniques with both girls, but baby Bexley was much more sensitive to the discomfort. Both girls wore an amber teething necklace. I always get asked if it works. There is no way to be sure, but I can say that with both girls, once they wore the necklace they never drooled. In my mind, if there is the slightest possibility that it relieves even a hint of the pain, I’m going to use it. Plus, it’s pretty cute bauble.
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We’ve all heard the tales of our moms and grandmas using a little whiskey to rub on the gums, but for Bexley, we used the essential oil Thieves. It helps to numb the gum, but it has a kick, so make sure you are ready to give them a bottle or nurse right after to cool off the bite. You could also delude it with coconut oil, but then it won’t be as effective. Both girls actually requested the Hyland’s All Natural Teething Tabs by the time they were big enough to communicate. They dissolve under the tongue and helped manage their pain. (have since been recalled) On the nights they were clearly suffering from discomfort and fussiness would take over we would use the baby Orajel and give them some Infant Tylenol.
For chewing the most simple teether is a frozen washcloth. The cold and scratchy texture feels good on their gums. Both girls also liked a dry toothbrush or the banana toothbrush. The stiff bristles helped scratch the itchy gums. We got that tip directly from our dentist! Gnawing on celery is a favorite for Bexley. We tried freezing cucumber and celery for Cora when she was little and it worked, but it turns to gross mush after it thaws. Cucumber and Pickles have an acid that helps break down the gum though, so if they will eat them it can be helpful. I am such a huge fan of the Mama & Little silicone teething jewelry that they asked me to become an affiliate for the brand! I wear these everywhere I go. They can chew on the necklace while being held in the baby carrier, or they can hold the bangle when in the shopping cart, stroller, or car seat. It has been such a lifesaver on a plane, in line at Disneyland, and as we wait to pay our check at restaurants. The jewelry keeps them calm and busy and everyone thinks they are just really cute accessories.
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I can’t begin to imagine how awful it must be to be a teething baby. As if getting used to the new world isn’t tough enough, you are in immense pain and don’t understand why, or how to communicate it. I’d love to hear your teething tips in the comments below. Don’t forget to share this article for all your expecting mamas.