It’s our August link up party! Our guest host this month is Stephanie Cox from Wife Mommy Me.
This month I captured our Monday. Every morning begins with baby Bexely waking the house. She can be heard singing and playing through the baby monitor. I’m not a morning person, but as soon as I open her door she brightens my morning. Today she slept in until almost 8 am! She is usually up by 6:30 am, so this put us a little behind schedule.
While Evan was getting them fed and dressed I was able to sneak into the garage and get a quick work out in! Cora goes to daycare on Mondays y herself. It’s her special day to spend with her buddies without Lil Sis following closely behind. It’s so sweet though, she usually asks if Bex can come too. I think she just likes knowing that we organize special things for just her. While Cora is living it up with her toddler buddies, Bexley and I go to her little gymnastics class for her mommy-and-me time. She loves to go up-and-down the little stairs and play in the ball pit. Today they ended class with bubbles. Nothing gets her little happy going like bubbles.
Gymnastics is next door to the grocery store, so we make a quick stop for whatever we need for lunch and dinner. She insists on eating a banana every time. My little monkey. The grocery store is nothing but torture right now while I’m on this diet. My husband and I have been on zero sugar, high protein diet for almost 3 weeks now. It’s helped me kick my physical sugar addiction, but I still struggle mentally and all the chocolatey goodness at the store still gives me major lust!
We do all this before noon. I get Bexely a little lunch when we get home and get her to bed her for her nap. She usually naps about 2 hours. Just enough time for me to get caught up on emails from over the weekend and get the house straightened up so I can get to work after bed time. Cora requested I pick her up from daycare today. With Evan working from home we have been letting her have control of who does pick up and drop off on days that we can. If I have any advice for a toddler mom, it’s to give them all the control you can! I picked her up from daycare and we came home to eat dinner. Her and Bexley were like wild animals tonight running through the house. It’s so much fun seeing them develop their sibling bond.

I’ve been hit with the realization that they aren’t little anymore. Cora will be 4 soon and she is SO BIG. She is so smart and independent. Her little imagination at work, singing and dancing all around the house. It’s tough enough to see her as a big kid, but now I look and Bexely and my baby is gone. She’s a full blown toddler now and she is running the house! She is strining together multiple words now and letting her opinions and demands known. They both overflow with personality and spunk! I’m having major baby fever now. Very ready for baby number 3! No official plans yet for another addition, but I’m more than ready.
Once I get the girls to sleep it’s time to work. I’m working around the clock right now on some really exciting stuff for Binkies & Baubles! I hope you follow along!! September is going to be a big month. I started blogging as a creative outlet when Cora was born. By the time Bex was a year old I decided I loved doing it and wanted to try to empower other moms and business women to “Look Better, Feel Better, and Do Better”. As I’ve been learning all there is to know about the blog-o-sphere and social media I lost the inspiration and started just focusing on the photos. That’s not what it’s really about for me, so I went back to the beginning and I’m ready to help others in their day-to-day journey so please follow along.
These link ups are so much fun! I hope you visit some of the other ladies and see what they are up to. Our next Daily Dime will be Wednesday, September 13th. If you are a blogger we invite you to link up too, the more the merrier!