Perfume is a popular Valentines gift. As a young girl I was opposed to perfume. I thought it all smelled like “old”. I was in my twenties when I was introduced to some that I thought were more fresh and I started wearing perfume daily. It’s since become a beauty staple and a little bit of a collection. As a new mom it’s a necessity to cover that “I may not have had a proper shower in the past 3 days” scent. My favorites aren’t cheap, so I make sure each spritz counts. Here are some scents I love and a few tips & tricks I’ve discovered.
Viktor & Rolf : Flowerbomb & Bon Bon || PRADA: Candy || Dior : Miss Dior Cherie || Marc Jacobs : Lady Bug || Balenciaga : Florabotanica || Stella McCartney : Stella
Don’t waste a drop. Stop spraying it in the air and walking through it. Apply directly to skin or spritz into your hair.
Stop competing. Wear and use unscented detergents when possible to really let the perfume stand out.
Use when wet. Hydrated skin will absorb the fragrance better. I also like to use a little Vaseline to trap the scent for a longer wear. Rub a small dab on and spray directly onto the area.
Rollerballs. I love to try out new scents in travel size. Sephora has a whole display in-store dedicated to travel perfume. This way you can collect more scents for less dough.