It’s a very strange time right now. The words like State of Emergency and Quarantine are being used left and right with no real definition. There hasn’t been much information divulged as to what to expect if this or that happens. At this time, all we’ve been told is to practice social distancing and stay home unless necessary to leave. Many school districts have taken it upon themselves to cancel school for 2 or more weeks. Most of Americans have canceled their Spring Break travel plans due to many Amusement Park closures and Cruises postponed. Normally we all have places to take our kids during Spring Break, like Zoo’s and Museums to keep them busy and entertained. Our family has chosen to self-quarantine in hopes of slowing the speed of the Corona Virus infections. Having two young girls and an infant being secluded for 2 or more weeks, I need a long list of things to do. Here are some of the ways we’ll keep ourselves busy.
- Cosmic Kids Yoga (Prime, YouTube, App) – Go on fantasy adventures while learning simple yoga poses
- Bo on the Go (Prime, Hulu, Netflix, Starz) – Bo encourages her audience to get up and go!
- Crash Course Kids (YouTube) – Grade school science show
- Earth to Luna (Prime) – Luna and her little brother use their imagination to perform experiments
- Creative Galaxy (Prime) Encourages imagination, creativity, and art.
- National Geographic Kids
- Companies Offering Free Subscriptions Right Now
- Museums Offering Free Video Tours
- Storytime from Space – Astronauts reading to kids
- Backyard Scientist (YouTube)
- Bubbles. Find household items to use and see how they make different bubbles. A whisk, toilet paper roll, cookie cutters, etc.
- Paper airplanes. How can you make them go faster and higher?
- Write a story. Each member of the family adds a sentence.
- Make a comic book. Draw blocks on a paper and create a story using pictures.
- Science Projects. Check Pinterest for science experiments you can do with stuff you probably already have.
- Play dough
- Shaving cream. Fill up a kiddie pool or let them play in the bathtub.
- Build a tent or fort.
- Play Hot Lava
- Cut out snowflakes or stars
- Origami
- Learn sign language
- Learn a new language. Put post-it notes on everything to learn together. Here’s a video with 100 Spanish phrases.
- Paint cardboard boxes
- Limbo
- Marble painting. Roll marbles in paint then in a box with a paper in it.
- Dance party
- Balloons
- Scribble. Have everyone scribble for 10 seconds, then try to find a picture in the scribble

- Bake
- Charades
- Make vision boards (I’ve done this with the girls as young as 4)
- Pictionary
- Space Man (the new Hang Man)
- Create an obstacle course
- Teach a new chore
- Put on a fashion show
- Pretend wedding
- Puzzles
- Simon Says
- Mother may I
- Red light, Green light
- Have a bigger sibling pick a craft or story and play Teacher
- Restaurant. Kids can create a menu, decorate the table and make an age appropriate dinner.
- Shadowboxes
- Purge and de-clutter
- Have a tea party or cookies and milk in costume
- Write or make a video of an alternate ending to a favorite movie
- Choreograph a dance
- Scavenger hunt
- Learn a magic trick
- Day spa, with facials and manicures
- Draw a picture on their back and they guess what it is
- Karaoke
- 20 questions
- I spy
- Meditate, we like Calm app and New Horizon on YouTube
- Paint and Sip with Hot Chocolate
- Look through photo albums together
- FaceTime or Facebook message with friends
- Theme your days
- Write thank you cards or love notes to people
- Go on a Picnic
- Watch the sunset
- Breakfast in bed
- Movie marathon with themed snacks
- Write down 100 goals or wishes for the future
In this unfortunate time of social distancing, I hope we can all try to spend some quality time with our children. I encourage you to spend
1-on-1 time with each child, each day. I hope some of these activities sparked an interest for you and your kids while you are quarantined this Spring Break. Tell me what activity you most look forward to doing in the comments! Have fun making new memories, Mamas!!!