I love hats, I always have. It will transform your look from basic to trendy. A hat can help cover a bad hair day and will give your outfit that “something special”. The one featured here is from ZARA. The teething necklace is on sale, and if you use my discount code CHELSEA, you will get …
If you are shopping for an expecting mom, stop by the cosmetics section and toss a waterproof mascara into your basket. Don’t bother with water resistant- WATERPROOF! Between pregnancy hormones and all the stress that comes with being a new mom, it won’t go unused or unappreciated. Mascara is on my list of “don’t leave …
Once you’re a mom, little things that used to only take you a measly second, like making your morning coffee, now take a chunk of time. You can’t complete this simple and most necessary task due to the 2 year old distraction demanding more milk in their cereal repeatedly, even though you have agreed. Your …
Transitioning a toddler is though business. They are stubborn little buggers and they literally don’t understand reason. Cake. They understand cake. You can negotiate just about anything with a toddler expect eating and bedtime. You cannot force a child to eat or sleep. These are decisions you have to help them make for themselves. …